MAV·ER·ICK/ˈmav(ə)rik/ noun1. an unorthodox or independent-minded person.
The Penguin is an animal which symbolizes Strength in Community and Togetherness and the need for teamwork and social connection as means of survival.
Maverick Tattoo Mercantile is a site located in the web-universe for professional tattooers, seeking thoughtfully curated, high quality tattoo cartridge needles. Our cartridges are equipped with a protective silicone membrane, medical grade plastic and stainless steel.

The silicone membrane inside each cartridge is a special component creating optimal resistance and safety for you and your client. It helps in two very important ways: 1) The piston like stem of the cartridge is connected to the membrane, eliminating extra movement and allowing the needles to move with uninterrupted precision and 2) It eliminates cross contamination of blood pathogens and damage to your machine when appropriately handling your device.

The construction of each cartridge is the same within each needle grouping providing reliability, accuracy, and consistency every time... and BONUS! it has really cool packaging and a well designed brand with the Maverick Tattooer in mind!

Owner, Austin Spencer has been a tattoo artist for over 20 years and has owned and operated a tattoo studio in Las Vegas, Nevada for the past 17 years with his family. Being apart of the tattoo community, working conventions, and trying new and innovative devices that make tattooing better, sparked the idea of Maverick and the many things to come.